Health Care

Pre-workout foods you must try

Pic: Thinkstock
Pic: Thinkstock
One of the worst things to do is to work out on an empty stomach. Most gym trainers in fact, advocate that you eat a mini meal, especially before a tough regimen. Here are a few top choices before you get started…

Known as ‘nature’s powerhouse’, bananas provide strength from carbs that take you through the workout with ease. The fruit is also rich in potassium, which aid muscle repair.

Granola and oats

Oats give the best slow release of energy and can sustain you well, whether at work, a run or at the gym. They are also packed with fiber and protein. Add some protein powder to your bowl.

Egg whites

Eggs also have slow release carbs. Egg whites have potassium, magnesium, calcium as well as vitamins like riboflavin and selenium. One egg white provides about five grams of protein, minus any fat.

Dried fruit
Half a cup of dry fruit makes for another great power-boosting snack. It’s also handy if you are travelling to the gym straight from office and cannot prepare a mini meal. Berries and nuts have simple carbs that provide energy. Eat a mix of high-fiber pistachios, almonds and raisins.

Coconut water

This may not be a solid food, but it is hailed as a superfood, all the same. Coconut water has electrolytes and potassium that keeps you fueled. You can also use it as a base for your green smoothie.

The ancient grain is is chock-full of carbs and proteins that help you you feeling full and energised through your workout. For an interesting variation, cook a cup of quinoa with a vegetable of your choice.

An apt pre-workout meal should have 500-600 calories and should be eaten two hours before a workout.

Always drink enough water an hour or two prior to working out to avoid muscle fatigue and dizziness.


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