Health Care

Here’s how you should make turmeric milk

Here's how you should make turmeric milk. (Getty Image)
Here’s how you should make turmeric milk. (Getty Image)
Much has been said about the benefits of drinking turmeric milk – or ‘Golden Milk’ as it is fondly called by the Orientals.

It has been advocated by several schools of native medicine, including Ayurveda. A simple Web search on ‘turmeric milk’ will tell you about benefits ranging from decongestion to weight loss, so I am not going to delve into that much in this post.

Instead, I want to share with you an authentic method of preparing it, which I zeroed in on after trying several recipes advised by Ayurvedic doctors, and found in many books.

1. Take an inch-long stick of turmeric. Remember that turmeric powder is never as effective as crushed turmeric sticks, because the chances of contamination in the powder are high, plus its efficacy is also bound to reduce during the heat-generating grinding process. So, take a stick of turmeric (the variety used in cooking; varali manjal in Thamizh) and crush it coarsely using a mortar and pestle.

2. Crush a few peppercorns too. The white variety is better.

3. Mix a cup of water with a cup of milk, add the crushed turmeric and pepper and bring to a boil.

4. Simmer for 20 minutes. By this time, the milk will reduce to a cup. This is the reason why I suggest you begin with a mixture of milk and water; else you will end up with a very thick, kheer-like drink that won’t be as soothing.
5. Remove from the stove, filter, add a spoonful of honey or palm sugar, and enjoy the drink warm.

6. If you are taking this to relieve a sore throat, add 1/2 teaspoon of ghee to the hot turmeric milk before drinking it. The ghee will melt and coat your throat, relieving you of cough as well.
Note: The most important part is to sit and relax with this cuppa for a few minutes, relishing its soothing flavour and rustic aroma! This will enhance the feel-good factor.


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