Weight loss, we are told, can be boosted with various diet plan tricks and additions.
These include drinking green tea or coffee, ice water and eating snacks like seeds.
Another popular trick is drinking lemon water – but does this really help you to lose weight?
Some claim drinking the citrus water helps to boost the metabolism and keep weight low.
Weight loss: Does adding lemon water to your diet plan really help you lose weight?
Does lemon water help you lose weight?
There are various benefits to citrus fruits, including lots of vitamin C.
They are also a good source of fibre, which is proven to help with weight loss, however flavouring your water does not provide this nutrient.
However, the juice does include flavonoids, that could help to suppress your appetite.
Flavonoids, also found in blueberries, black tea and cocoa, have been linked to weight loss by various studies.
Weight loss: Some claim drinking the citrus water helps to boost the metabolism
Another study from the International Journal of Molecular Medicine and Advance Sciences found that: “Citrus flavonoids are a good digestive tonic, with an appetiser effect and it aids digestion.”
However, there is some evidence that drinking water alone helps with weight loss to the same extent.
A 2008 study found that drinking water could promote weight loss in dieting overweight women.
Weight loss: There are various benefits to citrus fruits, including lots of vitamin C
However, adding more water to your diet does seem to aid with dieting.What is more, the added properties of citrus flavonoids could give an extra boost to the weight loss benefits of being hydrated.
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