(Photo: John Meore/The Journal News)
Westchester County Association is asking The Journal News/lohud audience to help fix the complex problems plaguing American medicine.
The new online survey is part of a March 21 community forum being moderated by The Journal News/lohud’s health care reporter David Robinson.
The questions touch on issues ranging from out-of-pocket costs and premiums to employer-sponsored health insurance and the Affordable Care Act. Check out how to the take the survey below.
Answers to queries such as whether health plan coverage affects medical decisions will play a role in the upcoming forum, which is part of the All Access Healthcare Series organized by Westchester County Association, or WCA.
The forum is titled America’s Chronic Condition: The Rising Cost of Your Healthcare. The discussion will keep the basic truth that “Healthcare is Complicated!” in mind, according to Amy Allen, vice president and executive director of Hudson Valley Workforce Academy WCA.
“There are many complex issues confronting us as we provide, consume and pay for health care,” Allen said. “Now more than ever, we need to start prescribing solutions. Join the WCA as we look to tackle those issues.”
Allen described how the community will hear from experts in a balanced conversation moderated by David Robinson, who covers health care for The Journal News/lohud’s investigative team.
The experts will focus on the challenges with providing health care coverage and keeping costs down.
“Find out what you need to know as a business owner, employee or health care provider,” Allen said. “Join the discussion as creative solutions are proposed.”
Invited panelists
Kevin Dahill, Suburban Hospital Alliance
Mary Jo Jacobs, USI Insurance Services
Dr. Charles Rothberg, Medical Society of the State of NY
Leslie Moran, NY Health Plan Association
Take the survey here and register for the forum at www.westchester.org. The forum will be March 21 from 8 to 10 a.m. at DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel, 455 South Broadway, Tarrytown. The cost is $35 for WCA members and young professionals and $45 for non-members.