You’re not alone if you have ever wondered, “What’s the difference between yogurt and curd?” We have seen how yogurt’s popularity as a diet food has skyrocketed recently and one may wonder what all the fuss is about.
For starters, it is a prevalent myth, what curd is to India, yogurt is to west. Though both the products differ by a fine line, the basic difference lies in its method of preparation and also the beneficial bacterial strains that kick start the fermentation of milk.
Presently yogurt is the most sought after product in our weight-obsessed market. Other than this, there are various benefits and it is safe to say that you can comfortably replace desi curd with yogurt from your daily meals.
There are different varieties of yogurts available in the market, the most common and promising being the Greek yogurt. This is being excessively used and also recommended by numerous dieticians. The advantage is with the same amount of bacteria and almost at the same price, this provides almost double the protein lessening post workout muscular trauma. For example, a medium-sized bowl of curd contains roughly 3-4 grams of protein, while the same amount of Greek yogurt has almost double the amount, roughly 8-10 grams.
Did you know that yogurt can make workout less tiring by reducing the muscular stress. Dr. Seema Singh, chief clinical nutritionist, Fortis Hospitals, Vasant Kunj says, “If yogurt is consumed on a daily basis, it facilitates functioning of the active T- cells (dominant cells responsible for maintaining the immunity of the body). In case of people who follow a regular workout regime, yogurt soothes the muscle stress and post workout recovery is faster and better.”
Moreover, it is also beneficial for those who are lactose intolerant, as stated by Dr. Mansi Chatrath. “Yogurt can also be an alternative for people who are lactose intolerant. It converts the lactose in milk into lactic acid making it easier to digest.”
While most experts are of the opinion that yogurt can be made at home, Dr Ritika Samaddar, chief dietician, Max Healthcare differ. She says that yogurt is an industrial product and cannot be prepared at home.
We spoke to Delhi-based chef Cecil Raj from QBA to know the secret recipe to make yogurt at home:
1. Heat the milk (quantity as much you require) just to boiling point and pour it in a container preferably made of glass.
2. Let it cool to lukewarm (100-105F). Eventually a skin will form on top.
3. Add two tablespoons of yogurt to the lukewarm milk either home-made or commercial.(Yes, it’s best to buy once) A word caution here is mix it gently such that the skin formed doesn’t get disturbed.
4. Place the glass container in warm water at least for 8 hours / overnight for incubation. Eight to twelve hours is best. The longer the yogurt coagulates beyond that time, the more sour it will become.
5. Carefully drain any excess liquid.
6. Refrigerate for 4 hours before using. Store in the refrigerator and use within 4-5 days.