
Yemen Nutrition Cluster Bulletin, Issue 2, Apr-Jun, 2017


Nutrition Cluster periodic monitoring report and revision of the 2017 YHRP

The periodic monitoring exercise, led by the HCT, was conducted in May 2017 to evaluate clusters’ progress in the first four months on the year and to decide if there is a need in the YHRP revision based on the newly available information and analysis, based on this &s the YHRP is currently being revised. The key driving factors for the Nutrition Cluster YHRP revision were identified as below:

• The Emergency Food Security and Nutrition Assessment (EFSNA) was conducted in December 2016 with nutrition data now being available for 17 out of 22 governorates. Additionally SMART assessment was conducted in Shabwa governorate in January 2017 and Ibb in April 2017. Based on the newly available data, nutrition cluster was able to recalculate the estimated population in need to ensure that the caseloads and targets better reflect the situation on the ground. The latest GAM/SAM prevalence data sources of the information are presented in the table 1 and to be used by all cluster partners from now on (until more recent SMART survey data are released) as recommended by the AWG and the SAG and agreed at the Cluster meeting. (Note: While EFSNA 2016 preliminary data were released, the official release of EFSNA final report is pending ).

• The projections of the Integrated Food Security Phase Classificaton (IPC) conducted in February, allowed using newly available data for the Nutrition and Food Security situation in the country. Following this, the Food Security and Agriculture (FSAC) and Nutrition Cluster in March-April 2017 conducted a joint prioritisation exercise to ensure that we are able to reach those most at risk. Both Clusters committed to focus on joint priority districts to prevent possible famine and to improve the nutritional status of those most of risk. Currently, 95 districts in 14 governorates (Abyan, Taiz, Hajjah, Hodeidah, Hadhramout, Dhamar, Shabwa, Sa’ada, Lahj, Al Dhale, Ibb, Al Mahwit, Rayman and Amran governorates) are considered as high priority districts by both the FSAC and Nutri&on Cluster. (more information on prioritization is available in the Bullettin Issue 1, published in April).

• Nutrition Cluster partners agreed that for the caseloads and targets calculations only, ”combined” GAM/SAM prevalence to be used, which is calculated based on both MUAC and WFH as they both are the admission criteria to CMAM treatment programmes. See the link to the official cluster caseload calculations per district for the revision of the YHRP that the partners agreed to use from now on in the Nutrition Cluster at the end of the ar&cle. This covers main nutrition cluster interventions (SAM, MAM, AM PLW treatment, IYCF counselling, BSFPs for children and PLW, and MNPs).
These data (including combined GAM/MAM prevalence) are to be used for the district-level planning. For the calculation of caseloads and targets in the health facilities, partners are to use catchment population of the HF and the relevant combined GAM/ MAM prevalence. There is also a note on the calculations included in the embedded file that explains how the calculations were made in details.


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