
X-mas meal plan for Diabetics

X-mas meal plan for Diabetics

Santa’s here and so is the pin to burst your diabetic balloon! Many of us who suffer from this lifelong problem go through a tough time when Christmas is around. Since this is the best time to have Christmas puddings, cakes, cookies, mulled wine and everything that should get your blood glucose level rolling, here are some ways through which our diabetic friends can enjoy as much as anyone else:

Stick to timely meals

There are going to be too many meals to welcome Santa. Make a timetable for today. This will help you in knowing what you ate and when. A food journal on an eventful day like today will be useful. Do not end up having late lunch and or midnight dinner because it’s a lazy day.

Drink moderately

Yes, there will be mulled wine, white wine, red wine, sangrias, hot chocolate, everything and anything you won’t be able to resist. But you need to hold your guns and stick to at the most one glass of wine. The last thing we want on a merry day like today is to have you rush to your doctor.


Breakfast: Let the beginning of the day be light, so that the rest of your day doesn’t suffer. Eating oats with fruits, poha, a multigrain sandwich with veggies are some of your options. Do not overload your plate and stick to small portions for a heavy food day.

Lunch: Try and have your lunch by 1 pm, so that your body has enough time to digest it by dinner. Follow the simple 3:4 food rule – 3 different coloured vegetables, for example, aubergine, bellpepper and capsicum along with a salad that consists 4 different colours like onions, cucumber, beetroot and carrots. Keep your portion of meat or chicken to just 1/4th of your plate. Make sure you don’t consume both the meats together.

Tea time: Having a piece of cake (size not more than 2 inches in width) is allowed with your cup of tea. Try and take a walk before you consume this. This will help digest the cake better. Have plenty of water along with mint leaves and lemon.

Dinner: Here comes the real challenge. Turkey, chicken, pork, Christmas pudding, everything will be served at this time. Keep a gap between different courses, atleast 20 minutes. Avoid eating all of them one after the other. This will make your blood sugar level rise faster otherwise. Keep your portion size in check.

And lastly, enjoy the celebrations. Dance, play with kids and welcome Santa with as much enthusiasm. Indulging in activities that get you moving will not only be fun but also burn calories!


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