
Study: Your Employees Are Dazed And Confused About Nutrition


Was your breakfast this morning healthy? How exactly do you know? Truth be told, when it comes to nutrition, a lot of us are still scratching our heads. Right, when we feel certain our diets are considered healthy, a new celebrity nutritionist arises — and suddenly — what we thought was a healthy, nutritious meal is actually clogging our arteries.

A new study proves that most Americans are confused about nutrition and what “healthy” exactly entails. The 2017 Food & Health Survey found that consumers rely on nutrition information they don’t trust and that 80% of Americans report finding conflicting information about which foods to avoid and which to eat.

As an employer, these findings are a wake-up call if you are encouraging positive nutritional choices at your company. While employees might be trying to eat healthier, they are most likely confused on what “healthy” means. This confusion can lead to employees feeling burnt out and eventually wanting to give up on a healthy diet altogether.

So, what can an employer do to help make “healthy” easier to understand for employees? Implementing a wellness program with a focus on nutrition might be the ultimate solution. Read on to learn more about nutrition confusion and how a wellness program might be able to help.

Why Are Your Employees Confused?

The study mentioned above reveals that “healthy” can be confusing, but what is it that makes healthy choices so difficult? According to the study, more than half of the survey respondents say that conflicting information causes them to question their eating habits and doubt the choices they make. For example, while an employee might read one article online telling them that red meat is healthy on occasion, a different nutrition blog will tell them to steer clear of red meat completely. The question of steak being a part of a healthy diet remains unclear, causing both confusion and frustration.

Even more interesting is that Americans tend to listen to family and friends over professionals when it comes to nutrition advice. The study showed that while respondents view nutritionists and healthcare professionals as the most trusted sources for dietary guidance, friends and family are still more likely to be the most frequent sources for nutrition information. This might be due to the ease of asking a family member or friend for nutrition advice over calling a doctor or paying to consult with a nutritionist.




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