Health Care

Natural Healing: 7 Home Remedies for a Dry Throat

Natural Healing: 7 Home Remedies for a Dry Throat
You snuggle into bed on time; have a good night’s sleep but wake up with a sore and scratchy throat. Not the start you’d want. In most cases, a dry throat may be caused if you’re suffering from cold or a sinus attack. Dry cough or irritation in the throat may be due to congestion in the tonsils. A post nasal drip occurs if you sleep with your mouth open and the nasal flows get obstructed leaving you with a dry and irritable throat.

The most important thing to do to soothe throat distress is to keep it lubricated through the day. In his book, the ‘The Big Book of Home Remedies’, Samuel Billings suggests, “Consume as much fluid as possible, a minimum of eight to ten cups daily. Keeping your throat nicely lubricated with calming liquids could help prevent it from coming to be dry.”

Lately, a lot of people have been complaining of an itchy throat due the rising levels of pollution and dust. This could be due to an allergic reaction caused by the bad quality air we’re inhaling every day or some type of bacterial virus in the environment. If the symptoms persist for more than a few days, you must visit your doctor. But before you have to, action-relief may be closer than you think. We asked nutritionists and Ayurveda experts to suggest some home remedies to naturally ease the irritation and discomfort.

1. Desi Ghee with Black Pepper

This granny’s remedy works wonders in treating a dry throat. Chew on a whole peppercorn and then wash it down with a teaspoon of warm ghee (clarified butter). Do not sip water after having this. Ghee has powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and it also keeps the throat moistened.
ghee2. Tulsi and Honey Decoction

A great remedy especially for kids who have a dry, itchy throat. Boil few tulsi leaves in water and a teaspoon of honey in it and drink it. This is concoction is particularly good for children and is a very effective remedy for night cough. You can even make tulsi tea and sip it gently for instant relief.
tulsi3. Mulethi

During the day, you can keep a mulethi stick or liquorice in your mouth to keep your throat moist. It acts as a natural lozenge. Put a small piece between your teeth and keep chewing on it. Mulethi is an Ayurvedic herb used to treat respiratory and digestive disorders. It is also known for its antibacterial action.

mulethi4. Saline Water Gargles

This is the easiest and one of the most effective ways of getting rid of a dry throat. Add half a teaspoon of salt in warm water and gargle at least twice a day for quick results. This helps diluting the mucous and thus relieves congestion and the dryness in the throat that may be caused due to it. Gargle for 30 to 60 seconds and then spit out the water. Salt inhibits the growth the bacteria and soothes the irritation.


5. Herbal Tea with Green Cardamom and Cloves

This concoction is a great ready to combat the irritation caused in throat due to the pollution and dust particles that can even affect your lungs. Whole spices like green cardamom and cloves are rich in antioxidants that help in neutralizing the toxic effects of heavy particulate matter which is at an all-time high especially in the Capital city.


6. Turmeric Milk

In his book, “Ayurvedic Home Remedies”, Vasant Lad suggests having turmeric milk but with a clove of garlic. Boil the garlic in a cup of milk and then add ¼ teaspoon of turmeric. This is effective in treating a dry throat, infections and most types of cough.
turmeric milk

turmeric milk

7. Fenugreek Seeds

Make a decoction of warm water with fenugreek seeds. Add some seeds to water and let it simmer till it changes colour. Once it does, remove it from the flame and let it cool down. Use this decoction to gargle at least twice a day.


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