Health Care

Home remedies for diarrhea

Home remedies for diarrhea (Thinkstock photos/Getty Images)
Home remedies for diarrhea (Thinkstock photos/Getty Images)
Diarrhea can really take a toll on your body, here’s how to treat it at home

Diarrhea can make you really weak and needs to be treated early before it makes you very weak. Here are some home remedies.

1. Make up for the lost minerals by constantly sipping on electral powder or a mixture of lemon, water, salt and sugar, throughout the day. Clear soups, chicken broth, buttermilk, fruit juice are fine to keep you hydrated too.

2. Stay away from fibrous fruits and food products. Don’t have apple or prune juice as these are laxatives and could worsen your condition.

3. Have some strong coffee as it can help a great deal.

4. A mix of yogurt tempered with roasted fenugreek and cumin seeds is also wonderful to regain body balance and cure diarrhea.

5. Avoid dairy products like milk, paneer, cheese etc. You can have only yogurt as it has healthy bacteria that strengthen your gut.


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