Health Care

How to get rid of love handles?

Love handle is basically belly fat, which rests around your waist. Wear a body hugging dress or your favourite golden saree, and they will play peekaboo, making you hide behind pictures that grab your waist below. While there is no shortcut to getting rid of these pockets of fat, Aashu Kumar Jaivir, Lifestyle counsellor, shows some exercises that can get you moving.

Bicycle crunches

Bicycle crunches

Bicycle crunches

The most effective way of burning off that excessive fat!
Lie flat on the floor with the lower back pressed into the ground.
Place your hands slightly either side of your head, do not lock your fingers or pull the head up.
Lift your knees to a 45 degree angle.
At first slowly go through a bicycle pedal motion with the legs

Cardio exercises

Cardio exercises

Cardio exercises

like jogging, kickboxing and dancing.
Nothing trims that extra fat like cardio. Get your adrenaline rush pumping and join a class or simply Youtube your favourite Bollywood song!

Side plank hip lifts

Side plank hip lifts

Side plank hip lifts

A complicated exercise that helps you achieve your goal faster.
Get down on your forearms and feet (plank position).
Make your body into a straight line so that it is parallel to the ground.
Rotate at the waist and touch your right hip to the ground.
Rotate back up and then to the left and touch your left hip to the ground.

Russian twists

Russian twists

Russian twists

A power packed move that lets you sweat off those love handles.
Lie down on the floor placing your feet either under something that will not move or by having a partner hold them.
Elevate your upper body so that it creates an imaginary V-shape with your thighs.
Twist your torso to the right side until your arms are parallel with the floor while breathing out. Switch to your alternate side.

Leg raises – scissors

Leg raises – scissors

Leg raises – scissors

Lets you tone your lower body.
Lie down on your back.
If you have a weak back, you can place your hands below your lower back to support it.
Straighten your legs and move them up and down.
Variant: Move both legs alternatively .




The ultimate body- shaper.

1.Bend over or squat down and place your hands on the floor in front of you, just outside of your feet.
2 Jump both feet back so that you’re now in plank position.
3. Drop to a push-up—your chest should touch the floor. You can also drop to your knees here, which makes the impending push-up easier.
4. Push up to return to plank position (this can be a strict push-up, a push-up from the knees, or not a push-up at all (i.e., just push yourself up from the ground as you would if you weren’t working out)—your choice).
5. Jump the feet back in toward the hands.
6. Explosively jump into the air, reaching your arms straight overhead.


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