


Hindi Name: Shingh phali

Drum stick or horseradish tree is a tall slender plant grown for it greens, flowers and nutritious pods. It is a very commonly used vegetable in Indian household. The leaves are the most nutritious part of the plant. They are cooked and used like spinach. Drum stick leaves are dried and crushed into powder used in soups and sauces. The immature seed pods or drum sticks are added in sambar or kurma.

The seeds are taken from the pods and are sometimes eaten separately like peas or roasted like nuts. Oil extracted from mature seeds has a potential as a biofuel. It is widely acclaimed that drumstick leaves have more Vitamin A than carrot; more calcium than milk and more iron than spinach.

Nutritional Value

1. Drumstick plants are known for their medicinal properties.
2. The leaves contain proteins that are usually not found in any other plant. They are a good medicine for pregnant women.
3. Inhaling water in which drumsticks are boiled helps ease asthma.
4. Young pods are a good source of oleic acid, a healthy monounsaturated fat.
5. Drinking drumstick juice strengthens the bones.

Did you know?

Drumstick is also called powerhouse of minerals.
Regular consumption of drumstick increases our appetite.



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