
600+ Best Health And Fitness Blogs And Pages Names

101+ Top Healthy Lifestyle Blogs and Pages Names | Thebrandboy

These healthy foods and exercises keep the body free from harmful substances. Increase the metabolism of the body and increase the immunity power of the body.

There are many nutritionists, gym coaches who create blogs to inform people about the harmful effects of junk food and how to free the body from such fat.

Since these days it is necessary to get exercise as the rate of sudden death due to fat accumulation has risen.

Top 15 Health And Fitness Blogs Of The World

Nerd Fitness – This blog is a go-to spot if you want to reshape your body or want to gain fitness for hiking or adventurous activities.

This community provides articles, informative enough to improve your workout routines, diet charts, to prevent injuries or other problems that come along with the stressful journey to fitness

ACE – American Council Exercise blog is a community with all types of workout plans irrespective of which stage you are in your fitness journey. The posts are inspired by the mantra happiest lives in the healthiest body.

The motivational articles with scientifically proven facts and average reading time are easy to understand.

MyFitnessPal  This blog is popular in the space for its high-quality posts and expert advice, this blog is unbeatable with scientifically proven facts and backed-up data to prove what it claims. It’s jam-packed with nutritious diet recipes and workout tutorials that give you the best results.

Jessi Kneeland – This blog is run by Jessi for women who have lost self-confidence due to their body shape or have less idea about where to start from in their fitness journey. It provides articles to encourage and motivate them with diverse topics that leave no stone unturned in their journey.

Love Sweat Fitness – This blog is run by Katie Dunlop whose inspires and motivates women to have a healthy lifestyle that tends to increase their endurance.

The blog guides the readers through its easy, delicious, healthy recipes, trendy workout tutorials, and shares the mistakes that one may make to lose weight at the beginner level. The blog can show real results if followed religiously.

Tony Gentilcore – The blogger is a co-founder of a fitness company and often takes the reader’s fitness to a notch level with humorous, informative and insightful articles reminding the readers that well-designed motivated tips are also required along with the hard work and determination as two main ingredients to attain your fitness goals.

Dr. John Rusin – This blog is a must-visit if you want to prevent yourself from getting injured on your way to a healthy lifestyle.

The expert interviews and high-quality content of the blog help the trainers and therapists in a way to make their job more effective, filled with unique but impressive workout tutorials this blog never fails to cheer the readers with their valuable tips.

Workout Mommy – This blog was published in 2007 by Lisa Gulley, who is a single mother and knows all the pros and cons that come with motherhood. The ever-evolving ideas to reshape your body and solution to the challenges faced due to hormonal changes after giving birth are the main focus of the blog. The blog has an article mentioning all the required equipment to maintain your daily workout routine.

The Fitnessista – This blog offers information about fitness, diet, workout tips, and suggests books for your guidance. This great source can help you develop your asset with their useful tips and articles mainly focused to lose weight, gain strength, and lead a healthy and happy life.

The Balanced Life – This blog is a must-visit for those who have less or no time to workout, struggling with their daily routine, this pilates blog can help you solve your problem with their expert-level articles which will not only motivate you to push your goals but also is an exception as to how you can live healthily without achieving the perfect model-like figure. The blog is a blessing for people interested in pilates. – This blog is run by a boxer coach cum physical trainer Ross Enamait, ensuring a whole new life that you only hoped for.

The easily understandable fitness regime with excellent workout tutorials for the athlete-type body can prove to be the last stop for fitness freaks. The blog guides you to understand your body type and what works best for you, an absolute bookmark for men.

Breaking Muscle – The blog offers the readers with quality information on fitness, supplementary. It also shares delicious highly rich in nutrition recipes. The content is for both the consumers and the trainers, there is a special segment for professionals.

The blog also has a podcast option available along with frequently updated posts for their readers.

Knocked Up Fitness – This blog is for women who are expecting a baby, the blog suggests minimum workout tips to make them look and feel better. The techniques to reduce stress are discussed in the blog.

It can be favorable for those who have little knowledge about postpartum exercise to make fitness a part of their lives.

Ben Greenfield Fitness – The blogger has experience of more than 20 years has a lot to offer in building an athletic body, losing weight, and gaining knowledge about everything in the fitness world.

The blogger suggests clean eating which can take your body to the next level of fitness. The sample exercise and detailed articles can inspire you to take a look at your existing workout routines.

Get Healthy U – This blog provides some best workout tips in the space. If you are looking for some additional tips this is the right place for you. The classification of workouts helps the readers to acknowledge their needs that depend on their body type.

The multiple articles from the blog guide beginners on how to design their fitness goals and prevent themselves from injuries.

A blog is a webpage where an individual can upload their opinions and share it on the internet. Blogging has evolved as a profession these days. Many people earn through blogs, evenm while they sleep!

These amazing blogging ideas have even helped companies to promote their services online. A blog name is important to draw the reader’s attention.

Catchy Health And Fitness Blog Names

Life Fitness

Bio Fitness

Green Hospital

Life Bio

Fitness Bio

Pure Fitness

Bio Yoga

Med Fitness

Fitness Sports

Pure Fit

Life Fresh

Life Spring

Pure Care

Fitness Sport

Energy Fitness

Pure Spa

Bio Strong

Yoga Fit

Fitness Doctor

Organic Fitness

Sports Heart

Fit Earth

Beauty Energy

Body Life

Energy Care

Fitness Natural

Med Doctor

Doctor Organic

Apple Med

Care Run

Body Lift

Energy Diet

Beauty Ability

Body Energy

Fresh Yoga

Body Training

Flex Fit

Health Raw

Life Safety

Raw Life

Safety Health

Cleaner Life

Sanitary Life

Healthy Wash

Whole Good

Smart Budget Meal

Glee Health

Wholesome Good

Play How You Eat

Creamy Living

Eat Athlete

Vita Feeling

Lift Kids Health

Help Coacher

Next Healing

Health is the key for a long life and fitness is the key of active life. “Health is wealth’, some well said as healthy people can be happy all the time which reflects in their family as well as work life. Hence, they can achieve more good things compared to an unhealthy person.

The awareness of a healthy life starts right from primary schools which often encourage students to have healthy food rather than junk food.

Top Health And Fitness Pages Names

Also, many times they inspire them for it through fireless cookery competitions where students can only create vegetable-based food which is low in calories and can help people stay fit and healthy.

-Health Hunter

-Gym Geek

-Exercise Era

-Metabolism On My Mind

-Immunity Interaction

-Nutrition Niche

-Healing Harmony

-Athlete Accent

-Mindful Meals

-Vitamin Virtue

-Sanitary Saint

-Yoga And You

-Energy Essence

-Fitness Flex

-Sports Sense

-Organic Outlook

-Green Guidance

-Lifestyle Lessons

-Bio Bulletin

-Care Culture

-Doctor Discussion

-Medical Muse

-Nature Nerd

-Minerals Mantra

-Vegetable Verse


-Antioxidant Ally

-Active Ambience

-Holistic Hippie

-GoodWill Genie

-Health Hotspot

-Gym Hymn

-Exercise Equity

-Metabolic Mania

-Immune Inside Out

-Native Nutrition

-Here To Heal!

-Athlete Alchemy

-Meals Motive

-Vitamin Vogue

-Sanitary Sense

-Years Of Yoga

-Energy Engineering

-Fitness Fable

-Sports Scope

-Organic Oasis


-Lifestyle Lookout


-Cozy Care

-Digi Doc

-Medicine Magic

-Nature Necessity

-Minerals Masterclass

-Vegetable Vitals

-Fruity Fun

-ABC Of Antioxidant

-Active And Awake

-Get The GoodWill!

-Holistic Helpline

-Health Hood

-GoodTimes At Gym

-Exercise Environment

-Metabolic Mirage

-Immunity Illusion

-Nonstop Nutrition

-Happy Healing

-Active Athelete

-Meal Matter

-Vitamin Voyage

-Sanitary Scholar

-You Do Yoga

-Energy Ecstasy

-Fitness Formula

-Sports Spirit

-Organic Options


-Lifestyle Lux

-Bio Benefits

-Crucial Care

-From The Doctor Desk

-Medical Minutes

-Noble Nature

-Masters Of Mineral

-Vegetable Villa

-Fruits Fraternity

-Antioxidant Apache

-Active Advantage

-Holistic Heritage

-Global Goodwill

-Hearty Health

-Gym Giggles

-Exercise Element

-Metabolism Minutes

-Immunity Ink

-Natural Nutrition

-Healing Hustle

-Athlete Anyday

-Meal Masterclass

-Virtual Vitamin

-Sanitary Spirit

-Tales Of Yoga

-Energy Excellence

-Fitness Fad

-Sports Social

-Organic Opportunity

-Green Grid

-Latest Lifestyle

-Because It’s Bio!

-Care Campaign


-Medical Meadow

-Nothing But Nature

-In The Mineral Market!

-Vegetable Virtue

-Fruity Feedback

-Antioxidant Aspects

-Absolutely Active

-Holistic Hour

-Geo Goodwill


-Gym Gravitate

-Exercise Edition

-Metabolism Motive

-Immunity Influx

-Nutrition Notice


-Athlete Approved

-Meal Manic

-Vitamin Vedas

-Sanitary Success

-About Yoga

-Energy Expense

-Find The Fitness

-Say About Sports

-Organic Of The Day

-Going For Green

-Lifestyle Lab

-Bio Brilliance

-Care Custom

-All The Doctor Details

-Mostly About Medicine

-Science Of Nature

-Doing The Mineral Maths!

-Viral Vegetables

-Fruit Focus

-Ample Antioxidant

-Active Advice

-Holistic Holiday

-GoodWill Growth

-Health Highlights

-Gym Grip

-Exercise Everyday

-Metabolism Media

-Immunity Insights

-Nutrition Notion

-Healing Hotspot

-Athlete Assist

-Mostly About Meals

-Vitamin Viewpoint

-Sanitary Strategy

-Yoga Sanity

-Energy Element

-Fitness Fluency

-Sports Segment

-Organic Optimism

-Get The Green On

-Lifestyle Leisure

-Beyond Bio

-Cause We Care

-Doctor Of The Day

-Medicine Media

-Nature Niche

-Minerals Monsters

-Virtual Vegies

-Fruit Fables

-Antioxidant Knowledge

-Active Anytime

-Holistic Approach

-GoodWill Glory

-Health Hijack

-Gym  Gossips

-Exercise Ease

-Metabolism Matrix

-Immunity Index

-Nothing But Nutrition

-Healing Hopes

-All About Athletes

-Meal Measures

-Vitamin Vibes

-Sanitary Solutions

-Yoga Paradise

-Equipped With Energy

-Fitness For Life

-So Much Sports

-Organic Only

-Green Glory

-Lifestyle Liberty

-Bio Buzz

-Care Clarity

-Doctor Destination

-Made For Medicine

-Nature Notion

-Mission Minerals

-Vegies Vine

-Fruity Finds

-All About Antioxidant

-Active And Alert

-Holistic Habitat

-Games Of Goodwill

-Health Hype

-Gym Growth

-Exercise Echo

-Metabolism Methods

-Immunity Integration

-Nutrition Ninja

-Hands That Heal

-Athlete Aesthetic

-Meals Motivation

-Vitamin Values

-Sanitary Stories

-Youth Of Yoga

-End Of Energy

-Fitness Fund

-Sports Strength

-Organic Organization

-Green Giggles

-Limit Less Lifestyle

-Bumble Bio

-Care Canvas

-Medicine Moral

-Nature Nursery

Minerals Miracles

-Vegies Vault

-Fruit For Life

-Antioxidant Artist

-Active All Day

-Holistic Hero

-Health Hints

-Get To Gym!

-Eco Exercise

-Max Metabolism

-Immunity Information

-Nutrition Network

-Healing Hands

-Athlete Aura

-Minimal Meals

-Vitamin Visions

-Sanitary Status

-Endless Energy

-Fitness N Fun

-Sports Series

-Bio Bliss

-Nature News

-Mostly Minerals




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