
12 Top Fitness Blogs You Need to Follow

20 Best fitness and health blogs (2024)

Today, more than ever, there is a renewed focus and awareness on health and fitness. People are truly beginning to understand how exercise not only helps your body, but your mind too. As a result, people are looking for more information on their journey to good health. But how do you find the right place to get quality information on health and fitness? There are a lot of blogs out there, and not all of them provide the best or most reliable information.

Here, we’ve compiled a list of the best fitness blogs for you to learn and grow from. Along with classic blogs on strength training and health, we’ve also included a number of fitness blogs focused on wellness and more holistic aspects of health.

Do you want to build your own fitness blog?

If you’re looking for ideas on how to set up your own fitness blog or inspiration for your budding fitness business, we’ve built an in-depth guide on how you can build your own online brand with clear, actionable steps.

Fresh Blogging Statistics You Need to Know

Before we jump into some key influencers in the fitness blogging world, let’s break down some of the latest blogging statistics. It feels like blogging as a form of content marketing has been around for a while. It went through a brief moment out of favor, but it’s making a serious comeback.
Blogs have evolved over time into a well of users that fitness bloggers can then direct to different information and resources. For example, a fitness blogger might write an article on pullups, and then provide a video or PDF with all the information the user needs to get started themselves.
Think of blogs as the lobby to the fitness gym, directing you to the resource or room you need to get fitter and improve your workout routine.

Over Half of Online Traffic Comes from Organic Search

According to Bright Edge, organic search remains the dominant source of web traffic, coming in at 53.3%. This shows that organic search is still a valuable marketing strategy. You can see that blogging continues to play a significant role in content marketing by concentrating on SEO and creating content that improves organic search results. On average, Google’s first page results contain 1,447 words. On the first page of results on Google, the average word count is 1,447. Longer content tends to accumulate more backlinks than shorter posts, which is beneficial in getting your page higher on search pages. Longer form blogs are also a great opportunity to position your business as an authority in the fitness industry.

77% of Users on the Internet Read Blogs Regularly

More than three-quarters of internet users read blogs regularly, covering several niches and industries. No matter how big or small your business, blogging is a good way to establish trust and authority in your industry. Today, it’s more important than ever to combine visual elements with your written content such as video and high-quality photos.

We’ve used these statistics, along with 40 years of experience, and 40 million members, to create our own in-depth marketing and online branding guide, which you can download for free below

What Makes a Fitness Blog Successful?

Some of the best fitness blogs have a massive following. They are a go-to source for all things health, fitness, and well-being. But how do they gain such a big following and what strategy do they use to produce such captivating content? Let’s take a look at what features make a fitness blog successful.

They Solve a Problem

A great blog solves a problem. Often people seek out information to solve a problem in their life. For example, a fitness blog that helps mothers work out throughout pregnancy and focuses on post-natal health and fitness is helping to solve a specific issue. Having a niche is super beneficial in all areas of your business and content. When your service or offer solves a problem, it provides more value to your target audience.

Engages and Connects with the Reader

Some of the most successful blogs don’t just educate and inform readers, they create content that engages and connects with the reader. Information is delivered in a way that the reader can understand and relate to. Not only do readers find a solution to a problem, but it’s done in a personal and sometimes humorous way.

Has a Strong Social Media Presence

Fitness bloggers tend to have a strong social media presence. They continue to engage and interact with blog visitors. Social media is a great way to give readers a glimpse behind the scenes and allow the relationship between blogger and reader to grow. Often, fitness bloggers use social media the same way businesses do as a way to grow their brand, expand their reach, and engage readers.
A great blog takes time to develop; it doesn’t happen overnight. The most popular fitness blogs have grown over the last few years with consistent quality content and a ton of dedication. You’re probably thinking is it worth starting your own fitness blog? The answer is 100% yes.

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