Weight Loss

Will weight loss make Jonah Hill less funny?

Controlling your weight

Controlling your weight02:20
Speaking of suffering, many of you are wondering on social media whether this slimdown will affect his career. In 2011, Barbara Ellen speculated about this too in the UK paper The Guardian: “Post-weight loss, Hill has emerged as kind of half-buff, neither a fully fledged slob or, as is technically known, a hottie. In Hollywood, isn’t this tantamount to career suicide?”
And fellow fat-to-fit comedian Seth Rogen once said, “You probably all notice that I’m around 10 pounds less funny” after his own weight loss.
My take — Jonah Hill knows what he’s doing.
Sure, he’s typically cast as the overweight funnyman, but his major weight loss in 2011 was for the more serious movie “Moneyball” and shows that audiences love his dramatic side.
Plus, all you need to do is look at Kevin Hart,
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