
Hypertension: 5 Foods To Manage Blood Pressure During Winters


Hypertension: 5 Foods To Manage Blood Pressure During Winters

Winter is here; while the cold season brings us some relief from the scorching summers, it also triggers a number of health conditions, including high blood pressure of hypertension. Some of the main reasons of high blood pressure during winters are due to an inactive lifestyle, an increased consumption of sodium as you feel hungrier, and constrained blood vessels because of drop in temperatures. As the temperatures drops, the body tends to restrict blood flow in order to maintain temperature and retain heat, causing the blood pressure to rise. Nowadays, high blood pressure is a common condition that is affecting large groups of people across the world, including India. While, one cannot stop the seasons from changing, but they can definitely manage hypertension through a healthy diet and a physically active lifestyle. We list out some foods that may help manage blood pressure levels during the harsh winter months.

Here Are A Few Diet And Health Tips To Keep In Mind To Manage Hypertension:

  • Avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine as they can cause the body to lose heat rapidly.
  • Make sure to keep your skin least exposed during cold days. In fact, dress in layers to conserve body heat.
  • Eat a well-balanced diet consisting of variety of foods rich in essential nutrients that help lower blood pressure. A DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) is generally recommended to people with hypertension. For the uninitiated, a DASH diet emphasises eating vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy products, and moderate amounts of lean-meats, fish, whole grains, et al.

(Also Read: Here’s Everything You Need To Know About DASH Diet)


1. Methi

Methi contains soluble fibre that helps reduce cholesterol. In fact, methi is a vegetable that contains less amount of sodium, which makes it an even better food for blood pressure. Make sure you have washed it thoroughly and cooked it properly.

2. Radish

Radish contains potassium that regulates the blood flow and further manages blood pressure levels, keeping them stable. Add radish or mooli in your salads for the best results.

3. Spinach

Spinach has the goodness of potassium, magnesium and lutein, all of which prevent thickening of artery walls, thus reducing heart attack risks.

(Also Read: 6 Healthy Drinks To Manage High Blood Pressure Or Hypertension)

4. Carrots

The potassium in carrots helps relax the tension in your blood vessels and arteries, which in turn, helps reducing your blood pressure level. It also tends to nullify the ill-effects of sodium and reduce the risk of heart diseases.

5. Beetroot

Beetroots are a rich source of B vitamins that help improve nerve function. They contain antioxidants that maintain blood pressure and cholesterol levels. The nitric oxide gas helps relax and dilate blood vessels.


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