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How You Can Use Garlic For Hair Growth: Tips And Benefits

Garlic is a traditionally used ingredient in the kitchen as it adds a distinctly strong flavour to the dish. Not only this, it is known to have medicinal properties that help heal various ailments. This wonder ingredient is more than just a flavour adding agent and medicine; it is known to be an excellent hair care ingredient. For all you people dealing with hair loss, garlic is the solution. Hair loss is essentially unnatural; it’s a sign of a deficiency or imbalance in the body. What is it that garlic has, which makes it an excellent hair growth natural ingredient? Let’s find out.

According to a study published in the Indian journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology, application of five percent gel to areas where hair loss had taken place led to hair regrowth in the previously bald areas of the scalp, reduction in size of bald patches, and higher hair count numbers. As per the study, the sulphur and selenium contained in garlic can help fortify the structure of the hair shaft. Basically, it doesn’t only help re-grow hair, but also strengthens the existing hair.


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