Highest weight recorded: 140 kgs
Weight lost : 42 kgs
The turning point : I have struggled with my weight throughout my life; I was eating unhealthy and doing nothing. I reached to the highest weight of 140 kgs in April 2016. Around that time, I saw my pictures at my friend’s wedding and felt shocked. After that day, I knew something had to change. I said to myself, “I have to stop now and do something about it”. In April 2016, I joined a gym and started my weight losspledge. After four months of hard work in the gym, I had lost only 3 kgs. I was highly disappointed and depressed. I weighed 137 kgs in August 2016; soon I realized that my diet was still unhealthy. To lose extra kilos, my diet had to be disciplined and in sync with my goal. Then I consulted a dietician- Divya Gandhi from Diet and Cure Clinic and it proved to be a turning point in my life. Soon after consulting her and following her diet plan with one hour of exercise, I started losing 3 to 4 kgs of weight every week. She has played a pivotal role in my weight loss journey.

My breakfast : 2-3 egg whites with 2 wheat toast with milk.
My lunch : 2 bran roti with vegetable, curd and salad.
My dinner : 6-7 pieces of grilled fish/chicken
I indulge in : I eat whatever I like on my cheat days.
My workout : 30-35 minutes of cardio exercise and weight training for 30 minutes.
Low-calorie recipes I swear by : Fruit smoothie
Fitness secrets I unveiled : Eat clean and healthy and exercise regularly. Your body is a temple, start respecting it and you will lead a happy and healthy life.
How do I stay motivated? When I see what I was in April 2016 and what I am today, I feel very happy and proud of myself. I have become an inspiration for others and that in itself is a huge motivation.
Lessons learnt from weight loss -There are a few lessons which I have learned from my weight loss journey-

Highest weight recorded: 140 kgs
Weight lost : 42 kgs
The turning point : I have struggled with my weight throughout my life; I was eating unhealthy and doing nothing. I reached to the highest weight of 140 kgs in April 2016. Around that time, I saw my pictures at my friend’s wedding and felt shocked. After that day, I knew something had to change. I said to myself, “I have to stop now and do something about it”. In April 2016, I joined a gym and started my weight losspledge. After four months of hard work in the gym, I had lost only 3 kgs. I was highly disappointed and depressed. I weighed 137 kgs in August 2016; soon I realized that my diet was still unhealthy. To lose extra kilos, my diet had to be disciplined and in sync with my goal. Then I consulted a dietician- Divya Gandhi from Diet and Cure Clinic and it proved to be a turning point in my life. Soon after consulting her and following her diet plan with one hour of exercise, I started losing 3 to 4 kgs of weight every week. She has played a pivotal role in my weight loss journey.

My breakfast : 2-3 egg whites with 2 wheat toast with milk.
My lunch : 2 bran roti with vegetable, curd and salad.
My dinner : 6-7 pieces of grilled fish/chicken
I indulge in : I eat whatever I like on my cheat days.
My workout : 30-35 minutes of cardio exercise and weight training for 30 minutes.
Low-calorie recipes I swear by : Fruit smoothie
Fitness secrets I unveiled : Eat clean and healthy and exercise regularly. Your body is a temple, start respecting it and you will lead a happy and healthy life.
How do I stay motivated? When I see what I was in April 2016 and what I am today, I feel very happy and proud of myself. I have become an inspiration for others and that in itself is a huge motivation.
Lessons learnt from weight loss -There are a few lessons which I have learned from my weight loss journey-