
Bulk up with Nick Jonas’ muscle-building diet

Nick Jonas has gained quite a bit of weight over the years. We all know that muscle is made in the kitchen—and Jonas knows it’s highly personalized. A cookie-cutter diet does not apply here. What works for him could be detrimental for you—and vice versa.

The first step in personalizing his plan involved Nicole Visnic, CCN, an ambassador of nutrition at Lifespan Medicine and a certified clinical nutritionist. She suggested Jonas get a blood test—called Serotype—to check his immune response to certain foods and additives to seriously optimize his diet. The test analyzes your blood serum to determine which foods are best for you. Viscnic explains that foods are divided into three categories based on how likely the food is to induce inflammation. “Green list foods are core foods, yellow list foods are neutral (eat in moderation), and red list foods are to be avoided,” she says.

Jonas’ results revealed compatibility with a plant based diet. “Problem foods included red meat, nightshade vegetables, dairy products, and even some surprising foods like blueberries, olives, and pomegranate,” says Visnic.

Still, blueberries and pomegranates could be a great post-workout food for a large majority of the population; for Jonas not so much. “If you are unable to do individualized nutrition testing to help determine best foods to eat, pay close attention to the way you feel after meals,” says Visnic. In particular, note feeling sof sleepiness, sugar cravings, indigestion, achiness, irritability, bloating, and brain fog. “These are all sign you’re eating the wrong foods—avoid those foods for a month and systematically reintroduce them to determine whether you’ve regained tolerance,” suggests Visnic.

To further complicate things, his type-1 diabetes adds a layer of complexity to the diet. Macronutrient ratio is very important for a type-1 diabetic. “In particular, in an individual who trains, too little or too many carbohydrates can be a problem,” says Visnic.

But outside of these stipulations he eats like a pretty normal dude: He has three meals per day with one snack and one post-workout shake. (The shake: One scoop vegan protein powder, 1 cup of berries, 2 cups of almond milk.) He adjusts the portion size at each meal/snack based on his appetite and energy. And, he always has coffee.

So, the bottom line: Jonas diet is pretty personal as all good diets should be. However, Nick Jonas’ Workout Plan, while also custom-designed, is much more universal.

Example diet


– 1 egg and 3 egg whites with sautéed spinach and mushroom. Serve with ½ cup oatmeal and 1 tbsp coconut oil

– 2 chicken sausage patties, 1 cup sweet potato hash, 2 tbsp ghee

– 4 slices turkey bacon, 2 slices toast, 2 tbsp almond butter

– Turkey sandwich, 4 oz sliced turkey, 2 slices bread, spinach tomato, mustard and 2 slices cheese

– Chicken salad: 4 oz chicken, romaine lettuce, cucumber, tomato, ½ avocado, and vinaigrette dressing. Serve with 1 small sweet potato

– Fish taco: 4 oz sliced cod 2 tortillas, lettuce, tomato, 2 oz shredded cheese

PM Snack:
1 oz almonds and 1 cup baby carrots

– 4 oz buffalo burger, 1 cup sweet potatoes, side salad with 2 tbsp vinaigrette

– 4 oz chicken, 1 cup black beans, 2 cups steamed broccoli with 2 oz feta cheese

– 4 oz ground turkey, 1 cup spaghetti squash with 2 tbsp pesto sauce,
1 cup shredded carrots

– 4 oz salmon, 1 cup quinoa, 2 cups roasted cauliflower pureed with 2 tbsp olive oil


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